Sunday, March 20, 2011

Congrat Baby Messages

:) But

silence on my blog .. there was dłuuga Somehow or do not have inspiration to write, or bad weather, and photos come bure, or again the weather so nice, that the injury at home to sit and clap posts.

Okay some explanation is always:)

And I still the same as every year, or eggs! These picks their eggs with great love:)
Most have finished waiting for the package and putting in good hands:)
Showing those already wylakierowane as it should be shiny and smooth:)

Moving on rozpanoszyło see what's on my windowsills - TOMATOES:)
grandparents some time ago and gave me uszczęśliwili tomato plants ready for quilting. I gave myself 50 seedlings, although I have no idea where I will plant them:)
Grandparents are three greenhouses, and for years this time of year their entire house is set with seedlings.
I do not have a greenhouse, but I have it because there is no exit. As it said A. .., well, now you need to meet because the damage seedlings. My grandfather talked
M, and how this will hear that it has something to build it no matter what and when, but I've built!
As you can see the plans are great, and so what will be seen. I am his vision for a small vegetable garden already have, just that as you live with in-laws are sometimes difficult to make these plans in life, because everyone wants their own way ...
I hope it succeeds and the greenhouse and garden creation and a bit of vegetables and herbs will be:)

So far the view of the yard after the winter is terrible, some have indeed sprzątnęłam, but much work remains. Overall for the year of ideas for changes in backyard is a whole bunch. Mother-in-one years cut out all the trees and bushes from the yard. He was a nut before the house.
I got into a popular choice where he built a small gazebo, planted crops, and somehow it udomowiłam. The rest well ... Trespassing and despair ... But I will try to slowly make the backyard garden:) Plans and ideas in my head a lot, but the work is that it probably will take a little time. First of all, because I can not act like I just want everything to be explained najpierws and insidiously push through any change. I nadziję that I can make it:)

Thank you for your visit and wish you a nice warm week and this evening:) Lots of Aga


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