Monday, February 28, 2011

Fleetwood, Wilderness Owners Manual


Yes, yes EGGS again:) Finally comes my favorite time of year. Favorite, not only because it finally is getting warmer, the sun spoil us that not long again, I could go jogging in the woods, but because Easter is coming ... and thus do EGGS:)
As every year since klku years, order a dozen geese blown eggs, I buy a beautiful napkins and glue, paint and lacquer:) so here's my eggs are formed. I love them to do, because we make it quite easy, fast (no painting takes a long time) and the effect for me beautiful:) My eggs are usually floral and romantic, these themes fit into my spring-decoration wialkanocnych most, but it's probably because, in the depths of myself that I'm such a romantic.

So much is happening, so I wanted to show, but I'll do it systematically. I have a bit of loot from the flea market at the Circle, I have a new, beautiful bed of flowers ... I'll try to show it all soon.

Odstawiałm far sewing machine, because the eggs possessed me, but Susan szyciowe again hold a workshop in the Forest, so a little poszyję:) I can not wait because I treat these meetings, perhaps more socially than the workshop, because there is simply cool BABKI meet:) and by the way I learn from champion:)

Okay escape painted eggs. I send Greetings
sunny and cat serducho for you:)



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