Friday, December 17, 2010

How To Play Pokemon Platinum On Gpsphone

long time ago ... I do not remember my first gifts

It turns out that my blog posts happen once a month: (
Nawal responsibilities inhibited the desire to write. Most importantly, the Majusia is healthy, happy and nice for us to grow. And I changed the size and space, I live now in a slightly different crazy world and slowly begin to get used to it.

odrobię backlog now blogging, and brag about the winners in the candy. Long, long ago I was drawn to play in Filomenki and the prize was beautiful earrings:

then surprised me with a great win Atteo , and it was a beautiful jewelry and other goodies made partly on the hook (ring, bracelet and surprisingly fit to size, because as far as I'm wearing a big ring and big ring, so terribly happy because finally something to fit me.) My joy was great because it colors how I won a set of yellow and orange, a color that I love.
Recently I also lucky in candy in Duditki . I won a great outfit, beautiful napkins, chopping board and decou przydasie
and candy in Agatki from which it came to my part of the victory:

majusiowego waiting now for a rabbit who "doleci" yet post. And it will look like this:
girls Thank you again for a great time. Sprawiłyście me great pleasure lovely prizes. Big kisses for you!


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